A Dragon's Hoard of Stories

A Warm Welcome

My name is Annika Sage Ellis, welcome to my website! I’ve been writing and storytelling basically my whole life. I made up stories to tell myself when I was bored, I kept multiple journals and diaries throughout my childhood, and I obsessed over my favorite books. I’ve been reading voraciously since I was taught—I thought the program my parents bought to teach me how to read was so fun I wanted to learn how to read again—with my most prominent inspirations being J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Paolini, Eavan Boland, Robert Frost, and plenty others!

I started writing more robust fiction in late-elementary to early-middle school, and it was around that time I also began writing poetry. The hobby escalated until it was the only thing I could ever see myself doing for a living, so I simply never stopped. From original fiction and poetry, I branched out to writing fanfiction, and have been publishing it online since 2016. In 2019, I graduated valedictorian from Full Sail University, where I wrote prose, short films and TV scripts, comics, games, copywriting, and got elbow-deep in the mechanics of storytelling.

These days, I write my personal projects in my free time, while I work my office job to keep the lights on. One day, I hope writing can become my full-time career! Until then, I hope you enjoy what I have to share with you all. ♥

Upcoming Plans

  • Start organizing my poetry into collections
  • Prepare to write my anthologies for NaNo 2024
  • Add pages for my prose WIPs.
    • Pride & Justice
    • The God-Dragon's Wife
    • Dream WIP
    • Henry & Priscilla
    • Urban Fantasy Anthology
  • Add at least one excerpt from each WIP.
    • Added one for everything except the anthology, since I don't have any full excerpts yet.
  • Add some world-building for the WIPs that have that
  • Add short summaries of my less-active WIPs?
    • I have plenty of other WIPs that I'm not actively working on right now, or haven't updated in a long time. I might add those just for fun, but I probably wouldn't have much to say about them.
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